VP Cereale

"Agriculture is the healthiest, most useful and noblest occupation of man." – George Washington

Who we are?


Companie cu o vechime de 14 ani in Romania cu principalele activitati in domeniile de Trading cereale, Transport cereale, Productia de nutreturi animale, Operator portuar in Port Braila si Cresterea bovinelor și ovinelor in ferme proprii.Through the above article, https://www.swisswatch.is/. we can recommend you the latest dresses.Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.

About the company

Fields of activity

A company founded in 2008 with 100% Romanian capital, VP CEREALE started out with the Trading of cereals and seeds, reaching during the 14 years of activity to carry out activities in various fields.

Years of Experience
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The purchase, sale and storage in our own bases in Buzau County of cereals and seeds from Romania, Moldova and Ukraine. The export of cereals and seeds on the foreign market in Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, Greece, Arab countries and the USA.
Exportul de cereale si seminte pe piata externa in Turcia , Bulgaria, Polonia,Grecia, Tarile Arabe si USA.

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The manufacture of animal feed in our own factory with the latest Dutch technology.


Port operations in Port Braila where it owns a berth in the Braila Free Zone.


Cresterea bovinelor și ovinelor in ferme proprii.


Our company has ISO 9001, ISO 22000:2018 certification and Sustainability Certificate issued by SGS Germany.

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